Welcome to

SCAPE 2024



Registration deadline: August 25th, 2024
Abstract submission deadline: September 1st, 2024

Questions about registration, abstract submission and other things, can be sent to Jørund Johansen or Bjørn Arild Hatteland.

Ullensvang hotel: Venue for the conference in 2024.

The 38th meeting of the Scandinavian Association for Pollination Ecology 

SCAPE 2024 

The conference will take place in the fruit district of Hardanger between fjords and mountains in Western Norway 

Dates: October 10 to 13, 2024 

Venue: Ullensvang Hotel 


The conference fee is 3900 NOK (~340)and includes registration, all meals and transport from Bergen/Voss to the venue and back. The registration fee is payed in the registration form.

The accommodation cost is 3730 NOK (~326) for a single room and 2315 NOK (~202€) for a shared room. The accommodation fee is payed at checkout.

Further price information:

SCAPE programme

The scientific programme of SCAPE consists of sessions with posters, talks and flash talks. We will also follow the traditions of SCAPE having an informal atmosphere - particularly ideal for students and young researchers to present and discuss their research. There will also be an excursion/guided walk in the vicinity of Lofthus with a long history of fruit production. 

As usual, the meeting will start on Thursday evening. Two busses from the bus station in Bergen will bring you to the Ullensvang Hotel on Thursday and back again on Sunday morning after breakfast. 

More details will follow.

Keynote speakers

We have two exciting keynote speakers:

Jane Stout (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) &

Jeff Ollerton (University of Northampton, UK)

Keynote speakers

We are pleased to announce this years keynote talks by Jane Stout (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) and Jeff Ollerton (University of Northampton, UK & Kunming Institute of Botany, China).