The Scandinavian Association for Pollination Ecology is an annual scientific meeting, usually held in October each year.  It typically alternates between venues in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. However in recent years it has been held in “wider Scandinavia” – Ireland in 2018 and England in 2020 

SCAPE has taken place every year since its first meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, in 1987 and is the world’s longest-running conference devoted to pollination ecology, pollinator conservation, plant reproduction, pollinator behaviour and diversity, flower evolution, and related subjects.  More information about SCAPE meetings can be found on the Past Conferences page.


SCAPE conferences

A feature of SCAPE meetings is their friendly, informal nature which provides a supportive atmosphere for younger scientists (Master's and PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers) to present their results.  The official language for the meeting is English, and attendees are increasingly drawn from Europe, North America, and other parts of the world.  In recent years SCAPE meetings have typically attracted between 50 and 70 participants, with about 30 oral presentations, plus posters.  In some years there are guest keynote speakers.

There is no formal organisational structure to SCAPE and each year an organising committee volunteers to host the meeting. The venues for SCAPE are often field stations owned and run by universities, or local conference centres.


The SCAPE logo shows a small, mythical Scandinavian creature inspecting a flower with a magnifying glass - does anyone know who drew it?



In 2000 some of the contributors to SCAPE published a festschrift in honour of Professor Knut Faegri entitled “The Scandinavian Association for Pollination Ecology honours Knut Fægri” (Totland et al. 2000).

Totland, Ø., Armbruster, W.S., Fenster, C., Molau, U., Nilsson, L.A., Olesen, J.M., Ollerton, J., Philipp, M. & Ågren, J. [eds.] (2000) The Scandinavian Association for Pollination Ecology honours Knut Fægri. Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi I. Matematisk-Naturvitenskapelig Klasse, Avhandlinger, Ny Serie 39: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo.


The open access Journal of Pollination Ecology (JPE) was conceived and launched at SCAPE – more information can be found here