SCAPE 2024 – Programme

*We recently added a detailed map in the Book of abstracts on how to get to the SCAPE bus in Bergen from the airport.

If you find any mistakes in your slot (type of presentation/missing etc.), please contact Jørund:

Presentation formats

We will have sessions with talks of 15 minutes (12 min + 3 min discussion) and flash talks of 5 minutes (no discussion) - it is EXTREMELY important that you respect the timing, since we have a very tight schedule!

Poster format: preferably A0 (841x1190mm) and portrait oriantation.

Programme overview

Thursday, October 10

15:00 - 1st bus from Bergen station (at the hotel ~ 17:50 - stops in Voss if needed)
16:30 - 2nd bus from Bergen station (at Voss station ~ 18:15; at the hotel ~19:20)
18:00 - Registration
19:30 - Welcome and first short session
20:00 - Dinner
21:00 - Socialising & bar

Friday, October 11

07:00 - Breakfast
08:30 - Talks & breaks
12:30 - Lunch
13:30 - 1st keynote - Jeff Ollerton & break
14:30 - Talks & breaks
18:15 - Poster session
19:30 - Dinner (open until 21:00)
20:00 - Bar & Sauna
23:00 - Sauna/pool/spa closes
02:00 - Bar closes


Saturday, October 12

07:00 - Breakfast
08:30 - 2nd Keynote, talks & breaks
12:15 - Lunch
13:30 - Guided walk
15:15 - Talks & break
18:00 - Poster Session
19:30 - Dinner + announcements
21:00 - Party (in the conference room at the hotel*)
20:00-23:00 - Sauna/pool/spa open

*The party venue has been changed from an external venue to the hotel, where the conference room will be rearranged to a party venue!

Sunday, October 13

07:00 - Breakfast & Goodbye
07:45 - First bus to Bergen (at Voss station ~08:50)
10:00 - Second bus to Bergen (at Voss station ~11:05)
